Department of machinery and apparatus chemical and petroleum industries hold conference of students and young scientists
Abstracts should be submitted in printed (with signatures of authors) and electronic versions to room 205 / 1-19 S. Melnyk

Making text. 2 pages state language, size 14, 1.5 line spacing, font Times New Roman. Fields: – 2 cm. Indention – 1.25 cm.

The structure of abstracts:

  • in the upper left corner of the sheet UDC ;
  • the next line in the middle of the name in bold abstracts;
  • next line in the middle of the plain type information about the author, project manager and organization;
  • One line is fed abstract.

    The abstract should contain:

    • purpose of the project rationale for new development or improvement (upgrading) existing design object by analyzing the current state of the problem according to domestic and foreign scientific and technical literature, patent search and experience of enterprises, institutions and leading companies in the relevant sector production, economics or science;
    • information made calculations and drawings;
    • Modernization analysis apparatus;
    • recommendations for the use (or) outcomes of development (or) research (patented accepted patent application, publication in scientific journals, the implementing arrangements, etc.).

      Conference materials.
      Materials nationwide scientific conferences:

      Workshop graduate students and young scientists “Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials”, Kiev (30-31 January 2008)
      collection of the download (571 kb)

      Workshop graduate students and young scientists “Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials”, Kyiv (22 April 2008)
      collection of the download (1.2 Mb)

      Workshop graduate students and young scientists “Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials”, Kiev (6 November 2008)
      collection of the download (2.9 Mb)

      IV Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials”, Kyiv (23 April 2009)
      collection of the download (5.6 Mb)

      V National Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials”, Kyiv (November 5, 2009)
      Download abstract collection (part 1) (2.9 Mb)
      collection of the Download (part 2) (3.8 Mb)

      VI National Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials”, Kiev (15-16 April 2010)
      Download abstract collection (part 1) (2.8 Mb)
      collection of the Download (part 2) (2.5 Mb)

      VII National Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials”, Kiev (19-21 November 2010)
      Download abstract collection (part 1) (5.3 Mb)
      collection of the Download (part 2) (9 Mb)

      VIII National Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials”, Kyiv (13 April 2011)
      Download abstract collection (part 1) (5.7 Mb)
      collection of the Download (part 2) (4.1 Mb)

      IX National Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials”, Kiev (01-04 November 2011)
      collection of the download (5.8 Mb)

      X National Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials”, Kiev (01-04 April 2012)
      collection of the download (4.3 Mb)

      XI National Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials”, Kyiv (12-13 December 2012)
      collection of the download (4.8 Mb)

      XII National Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials”, Kiev (15-16 May 2013)
      collection of the download (9.3 Mb)

      XIII National Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials”, Kiev (20-23 November 2013)
      collection of the Download (11.3 Mb)

      XIV National Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Resursoenerhozberihayuchi technology and equipment”, Kyiv (15-16 April 2014)
      collection of the download (4.0 Mb)

      XV National Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Resursoenerhozberihayuchi technology and equipment”, Kyiv (18-19 November 2014)
      collection of the download (4.0 Mb)

      XVI National Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Resursoenerhozberihayuchi technology and equipment”, Kyiv (19-20 April 2014)
      collection of the download (4.0 Mb)

      Materials mizhnarodnoyh scientific conferences:

      I International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Resursoenerhozberihayuchi technology and equipment”, Kyiv (01-04 November 2011)
      collection of the download (4.5 Mb)

      II International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Resursoenerhozberihayuchi technology and equipment”, Kyiv (01-04 April 2012)
      collection of the download (2.9 Mb)

      III International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Resursoenerhozberihayuchi technology and equipment”, Kyiv (12-13 December 2012)
      collection of the download (4.1 Mb)

      IV International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Resursoenerhozberihayuchi technology and equipment”, Kyiv (15-16 May 2013)
      collection of the download (4.0 Mb)

      V International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Resursoenerhozberihayuchi technology and equipment”, Kyiv (20-23 November 2013)
      collection of the download (5.3 Mb)

      VI International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Resursoenerhozberihayuchi technology and equipment”, Kyiv (15-16 April 2014)
      collection of the download (7.1 Mb)

      VII International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Resursoenerhozberihayuchi technology and equipment”, Kyiv (20-21 November 2014)
      collection of the download (7.1 Mb)

      VIII International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Resursoenerhozberihayuchi technology and equipment”, Kyiv (19-20 April 2014)
      collection of the download (4.3 Mb)

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