According to the results of training in the preparatory courses of external training, students receive certificates that provide an additional 10 points to the entrance examiner’s rank!

NTUU “KPI” preparatory courses are traditionally considered one of the best in Ukraine. This is facilitated primarily by the constant attention and the role given to preparatory courses by the leadership of the university. Over the past twenty years, preparatory courses have been and remain the main source of replenishment of the university’s student ranks by the most trained, talented and gifted youth.

During this time, about 65 thousand people finished the preparatory courses, called students as a zero course of the university. An additional year spent by students in the walls of the university, getting acquainted with its glorious history and traditions, communicating with leading scientists and professors has invaluably enriched their life experience and helped them to adapt further to the requirements of the faculties and institutes that is traditionally high at NTUU “KPI” . The acquired and systematized knowledge of basic disciplines provided the opportunity for the vast majority of students to become the best university students in the future.

Among the students of the preparatory courses there is a thorough vocational guidance work that allows them to make a conscious decision when choosing their future profession. This work involves departments, faculties, institutes and scientific departments of the university, as well as representatives of domestic and foreign leading companies, organizations, institutions and enterprises.

Throughout the years, the search and selection of talented student youth for further study at NTUU NTUU “KPI” University is conducted in close cooperation with leading lyceums, gymnasiums, schools of Kyiv and regions of Ukraine.


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