Over 5,000 specialists have been trained during the department’s existence!

We train specialists of three educational and qualification levels under a state contract with budget funding, or, at your request, under a contract (with payment at the expense of legal entities or individuals).

Graduates of the department successfully work as managers of enterprises of various forms of ownership that design and operate equipment for the chemical, machine-building, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper industries and the forestry complex; by specialists in organizations that monitor the demand for oil and gas industry products, the ecological state of the environment, supervision of the design, production, implementation and operation of biotechnological equipment, the sale of cardboard and paper products.



Preparation is carried out:

  1. Under the bachelor’s program with NMT certificates (specialty 133 “Industrial Mechanical Engineering”, educational program “Computer-integrated technologies of chemical engineering equipment design”). The term of study is 3 years and 10 months.
  2. According to the bachelor’s program with the diploma of junior specialist, professional junior bachelor or junior bachelor (specialty 133 “Industrial machine learning”, educational program “Computer-integrated technologies of chemical engineering equipment design”). The term of study is 3 years and 10 months.
  3. For master’s programs under the educational and professional program (term of study 1 year 6 months) and the educational and scientific program (term of study 1 year 10 months).

During their studies, students acquire the knowledge and skills to conduct modern scientific research; learn computer design of machines and devices of chemical and oil refining productions, resource-energy-saving eco-safe equipment for oil and gas processing, production and processing of polymers, membrane separation, intensification and optimization of technological processes; acquire skills in operation, installation, repair, and diagnostics of chemical production equipment.

With us, you can choose full-time or part-time education.

During training, you have the opportunity to:

  • get a second higher education;
  • to study foreign languages in depth and undergo internships at enterprises in Ukraine, the CIS, and Western Europe;
  • get the rank of reserve officer (only full-time students).

The department’s teaching staff consists of 24 experienced teachers, including 1 academician and 1 associate member. NAS of Ukraine, 3 professors, 11 associate professors. The average number of students in the department is 280. Teaching at the department is conducted according to the European system. The coordinators of ECTS are the guarantors of the field 133 Industrial Mechanical Engineering, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kornienko Y.M. and the head of the department, Ph.D., associate professor Stepaniuk A.R. Assessment of knowledge is carried out based on a rating system. Border control of knowledge is carried out with the help of exams and assessments, results of coursework and projects, laboratory and practical tasks, and defense of a diploma project. The grading scale is a one-point rating scale, converted to a seven-point ECTS scale.

In addition to classrooms, the department includes 12 laboratories (including 3 computer ones), and the equipment is constantly updated with the latest scientific developments. The department has a specialized library, with access to electronic documents.

To enter the department, it is necessary to obtain an NMT certificate in the following disciplines:

  1. Ukrainian language
  2. Mathematics
  3. History of Ukraine
  4. Depending on the chosen subject: Foreign language / Biology / Physics / Chemistry / Ukrainian literature / Geography

The minimum competitive score is 130.

WARNING! Graduates of schools, technical schools, and colleges, if desired, can improve their knowledge and pass tests for admission to the university in the unit of pre-university training, which functions at the department. In case of successful completion of test tasks, graduates receive an additional 20 points to the total rating of the applicant.


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